A monthly exploration of international cuisines.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yawata-maki & Jagaimo no tosa-fumi (I'm not speaking in tongues, I swear!)

While researching Japanese cuisine, I came across a couple of recipes I wanted to try instead of just doing one Japanese meal this month. Last night I tried my hand at yawata-maki (rolled beef) and jagaimo no tosa-fumi (fluffy boiled potatoes).

Fun fact: Japanese cooking was influenced by China in the 8th and 9th centuries when chopsticks and soy sauce were introduced.

So let's get down to business. For the Fluffy Boiled Potatoes, only a few ingredients are required.

2 large potatoes
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon sake
1 teaspoon salt

The original recipe also called for bonito flakes to be sprinkled over the potatoes after they're cooked. I failed to find any store that sold bonito flakes (no luck at a large Asian market uptown). And really, who wants dried fish flakes on their food anyways? Save that junk for the cats.

  • Clean and peel potato skins. Cut into chunks (roughly the size of dice).
  • Fill a sauce pan with enough water to cover potatoes. Heat water to a boil and then add potato chunks. Reduce to a medium heat.
  • Let potatoes cook until they are tender. You can test by poking them with a skewer. If it goes in easily, they're done.
  • Drain water. 
  • Mix the soy sauce, sake, and salt together and then pour over potatoes. Toss lightly to spread the sauce around.

This makes about 3-4 servings. I used the two largest russet potatoes Walmart had to offer, but I think next time I'll just use one potato and cut the ingredients for the sauce in half. The flavor was amazing and I am for sure making this again in the future. It took a long time to have the potatoes cook because the cook book said to put the heat on low... but then the water didn't seem hot enough, so medium heat works better.

Bowl of fluffy boiled potatoes - great side dish.

The Rolled Beef gave me some grief. I had to cut the beef myself into the thin sheets required. Plus I found out I had no idea how to steam asparagus (instructions were not in the cook book). But now that I've lived through the experience, I think I could repeat the whole progress more smoothly.

1 pound thinly-sliced beef sirloin or tenderloin            10 asparagus, steamed
2 tablespoons ground ginger                                      1 tablespoon sake
1/4 cup soy sauce                                                     4 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon sugar                                                    toothpicks

  • Make teriyaki sauce by mixing together the ginger, sake, soy sauce, and sugar. Marinate the meat in sauce for an hour.
  • Steam asparagus by cutting off the bottom third of the stalk (or just bend until it snaps - asparagus will snap at its weak point). Place in microwave safe container, add 3 tablespoons of water, cover with cling wrap with one corner opened. Microwave for 2 minutes.
  • Slice asparagus to be the same width of the  the beef slices. Place 3 slices of asparagus at base of beef slice and then roll up, securing with a tooth pick. Refer to images below.

  • Put a thin layer of vegetable oil in skillet and heat. Place the rolled beef pieces in and cook until brown. Be sure to flip and move the beef to insure all sides are browned. 

Having the toothpicks in the meat makes it a bit of a pain to cook them in the skillet, but it helps so much to keep it all together. You can remove the toothpicks once the meat has cooled a little. The teriyaki sauce gives these things a KICK of flavor which is beyond great. I made my slices about 2 fingers wide, so the beef rolls turned out to be bite sized. This is a dish that makes me feel like I've done some fancy, culinary cooking - but it was actually pretty easy. I did have to figure out how to cut my meat (by the way, have it slightly frozen to make it easier to slice) and learn how to steam asparagus. If you want to add a bit more flavor, cut slices of green onion to put in with the asparagus. Either way, it taste super awesome and will make you feel like like a real chef.

Most pointless fact ever: Eating asparagus will make your pee smell funny. That's a scientific fact.

Yawata-maki - a.k.a. Rolled Beef (if you prefer a more normal name)

This was a very fulfilling meal with a lot of flavor packed into each bite. This meal has easily become the top favorite so far. But don't take my word for it - you should make it for yourself.

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